Drilling Tech
This is about drilling deep, hot, dry geothermal wells.
Most drilling technology comes from the oil and gas industry. For an overview of that technology watch the videos at this web site: https://drillingmatters.iadc.org/what-we-do-and-how/
There are also some good intro articles at https://www.rigzone.com/training/howitworks.asp .
Personal communication from someone in the drilling industry, November 2020: "Tools that we build don't exceed 175C. I believe that is the generally accepted hottest we need for US wells. I have seen a few 200C designs but they are so cost prohibitive they are rarely used" (presumed focus on oil and gas)
"On 24 April 2015 the world's longest borehole was drilled and completed from the Orlan Platform in the Chayvo Field, Sakhalin-1 Project with a total measured depth of 13,500m (44,294 ft) and a horizontal displacement of 12,030m (39,469 ft)", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_reach_drilling
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