


"The ceramic chip-level packages used for the NASA chips have been reported previously [8, 36–39]. The ceramic packaging material was 96% aluminum oxide (Al2O3) substrate and Au thick-film metallization. The SiC devices were electrically connected to each package’s eight input/output terminals via 1 mil diameter Au wires. Chip packages were then attached to a ceramic printed circuit board also utilizing a 96% Al2O3 substrate and Au thick- film metallization." [1]

"This paper covers the development of a geothermal ceramic circuit board technology using 3D traces in a machinable ceramic. Test results showing the circuit board to be operational to at least 550°C." Developing 300°C Ceramic Circuit Boards. Author: Randy A. Normann, CTO, Perma Works LLC Grant: DE-FG36-08GO10185 Report Period: January 2009 to November 2014 Date Compiled: Feb 15, 2015.

Machinable ceramic plates are available from


[1] "Extreme temperature 6H-SiC JFET integrated circuit technology",

[2] Dupont GreenTape 951 low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) system,

[3] Dominik JurkĂłw, Thomas Maeder, Arkadiusz DÄ…browski, Marina Santo Zarnik, Darko BelaviÄŤ, Heike Bartsch, Jens MĂĽller, Overview on low temperature co-fired ceramic sensors, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 233, 2015, Pages 125-146, ISSN 0924-4247, (

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